Thursday, January 30, 2014

Skijoring: How the Texan Cowboys Adapted and became Montanans

At some point in time, many years ago, the Texan cowboys who had survived the bad winters and stuck it out in Montana decided that they had to do something during the winter besides watch their cows die.  So they invented the sport of Skijoring!
Skijoring is a sport in which a horse and rider pull a skier with a very long thick rope.  The skier holds on to the rope, can let go at any time and has no poles.  Typically the skiers are pulled on a straightaway or in a horseshoe like obstacle course with jumps.  Although there are other combinations of snow sports and horse sports such as the rope and slope (an event that features cowboys skiing in hats and chaps as well as a team roping), skijoring seems to capture the spirit of cowboy adaptation the best.  You can almost imagine the first conversation about this unique sport.
"Woodrow, you reckon we could strap on some real thin boards to our boots and then pull each other around on a horse with a real long thick rope?"
"Sure thing Earl, just so long as I can pull you first!"
To be truthful skijoring is much older than this conversation and probably first started with dogs not horses.  That said, the caveman who thought of it could never have dreamed of what it would become.  In 2011 the world skijoring championships paid out over $19,000 in Whitefish, Montana. It has become almost like a rodeo event, with timers, announcers and event specific equipment (though most is modified from other sports).  But if you attend such an event, you can't escape the laid-back just-for-kicks attitude that accompanies the event.  Its truly a Montana sport, combining three things Montanans love to do, ride, ski and have a adrenaline pumping good time!

If you'd like to attend one of these unique events here is some information!

Whitefish hosted its event last weekend: so remember that for next year.   Redlodge hosts the National Finals of Ski Joring March 7th, 8th and 9th  Wisdom Montana also hosts such an event February 22nd and 23rd

Well that's all for now, stay warm and if you get board, invent a great winter sport like Skijoring!

Friday, January 24, 2014

As I sit in Montana Coffee Traders, in Kalispell Montana, I can't think of a better place to start a blog about Montana, the state I was born raised and currently reside in.  I want this blog to be two things: a tribute to the true Montana for those of us who call Montana home and a snapshot of what Montana is really like for the millions of tourists who come every year.
As a part of this blog I will tell true stories (with changed names) about the often comical, sometimes extreme and ultimately spectacular lives we lead here.  I will share different perspectives from distinct areas and groups within Montana that will give a real flavor for the people of Montana.  Lastly I will highlight often forgotten, but incredibly authentic and interesting areas of Montana.  I hope this blog will be interesting, entertaining and funny, but mostly, whether you are a native Montanan or not, I hope it causes you to explore and encounter new people and new country across our great state!  All feedback is welcome!