Friday, January 24, 2014

As I sit in Montana Coffee Traders, in Kalispell Montana, I can't think of a better place to start a blog about Montana, the state I was born raised and currently reside in.  I want this blog to be two things: a tribute to the true Montana for those of us who call Montana home and a snapshot of what Montana is really like for the millions of tourists who come every year.
As a part of this blog I will tell true stories (with changed names) about the often comical, sometimes extreme and ultimately spectacular lives we lead here.  I will share different perspectives from distinct areas and groups within Montana that will give a real flavor for the people of Montana.  Lastly I will highlight often forgotten, but incredibly authentic and interesting areas of Montana.  I hope this blog will be interesting, entertaining and funny, but mostly, whether you are a native Montanan or not, I hope it causes you to explore and encounter new people and new country across our great state!  All feedback is welcome!

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