Thursday, May 1, 2014

Meet Me at the Montana

Every year about this time Kerr Dam at the bottom of Flathead Lake is opened up to make room for the impending run-off.  Summer is coming and the snow is finally starting to melt!  But it also means that for a very short window in time the northern shore of Flathead Lake has the best beach in the state!  No kidding!  Its awesome!  It stretches from Somers all the way across to Bigfork.  It is also about 100 yards wide and even when it does reach the water, its relatively shallow for a long ways out.  The sand is perfect too!  No real rocks or glass or even dog poop, though I have seen dogs.
It is a perfect place for an ultimate Frisbee game, to run your dogs or children, to make sand castles, run on the beach and have a pick-nick.  
But before you go, please consider this:  the entrance at Somers involves going around a swamp on a path that goes around a gate which says "no trespassing".  My wife has been yelled at by the alleged owner of this access.  I have heard from multiple locals, however, that he doesn't own the access.  I looked it up on my GPS and from what it looks like, there is no private ownership of the access.  Private property is a big deal to Montanans but I'm unsure why someone would get all worked up over property that they're pretending to own. I have recently been to the beach in Bigfork.  The public access section is extremely narrow and between sections of private land that have cameras monitoring your movement.  Creepy.  
Anyways, if you have an afternoon off, and its a nice sunny day, go to the beach and catch some rays!

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